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It is all about what Joye enjoys

Welcome to Joyenjoye 🤗

2022/12/30 Sunday

Welcome to my blog. My name is Joye. If you can read Chinese, my Chinese name is 李拙 (LI ZHUO).

🤔 Want to know more about me?

  • check the About tab for my work experiences and skillsets
  • check the Hobbies tab for my hobbies outside of work

🤔 What can you find here?

  • Learnings from my day-to-day work as a data scientist
  • Summarization of papers and methodologies in machine learning, deep learning, and NLP.

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Python Environment Management

2022/06/13 Monday

This post covers Python environment and package management using different tools for macOS. Specifically, it discusses the following tools: venv, Anaconda, and Miniforge.

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NLP Materials

2022/04/15 Friday

The post covers some material on an overview of NLP.

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论文总结:GloVe - Global Vectors for Word Representation

2020/04/25 Saturday

对于一个给定的词 $k$,根据其在不同语境 $i$ , $j$ 出现的概率的比值$\frac{ P_{ik}}{P_{jk}}$,可以区分其语义。

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论文总结:XGBoost - A Scalable Tree Boosting System

2020/04/05 Sunday

提升树算法(Gradient Tree Boosting)是机器学习中处理分类问题十分有效的方法,常被应用于广告点击率的预测和机器学习类比赛。


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论文总结:From Word Embeddings to Document Distance

2020/03/12 Friday

文章提出词移距离(Word Mover’s Distance, WMD)用于计算文档之间的距离。文档之间的距离被看作为一个文档中词与词距离的加权平均。词与词的距离可基于Word Embedding得到的词向量计算,两篇文档词与词的映射关系为可变条件,目标函数为最小化文档之间的距离。求解得到最小的文档距离为词移距离。而这个最优化问题是Earth’s Mover’s Distance的特殊情况,可采用相应的算法进行求解。

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Python爬虫学习笔记 3-1:实训项目之58同城

2020/01/30 Thursday


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Python爬虫学习笔记 2-3:Scrapy中间件

2019/12/25 Wedesday

上一节我们讲解scrapy的项目管道的使用, 这一节介绍中间件的使用。

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Python爬虫学习笔记 2-2:Scrapy项目管道

2019/11/16 Sunday


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Python爬虫学习笔记 2-1:Scrapy框架

2019/11/17 Sunday

前面章节主要用到Requests的方式爬取网页。在小规模爬虫时,Requests能够有效地满足需求,但大规模多线程的爬虫时则需要使用Scrapy。本节讲解Scrapy爬虫的基本框架, 安装和基本使用。

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Python爬虫学习笔记 1-4:使用selenium爬取网页

2019/08/11 Sunday


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Python爬虫学习笔记 1-3:爬取ajax加载网页

2019/08/11 Sunday


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Python爬虫学习笔记 1-2:初识Python爬虫

2019/08/11 Sunday

本节以爬取小王子的豆瓣短评为例,从以下三个方面来初步了解爬虫: 1 数据获取 2 网页解析 3 数据保存

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Python爬虫学习笔记 1-1:什么是爬虫

2019/08/11 Sunday

本节从以下三点来全面介绍爬虫:1 爬虫的定义和应用场景 2 爬虫基本知识 3 爬虫协议。

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